OEL Safety - IT-MTK - 30 Piece Insulated Maintenance Kit 1000V
Description: 30 Piece Insulated Maintenance Kit 1000V
What's included:
- AFW-3PFL: FlashLight 3-Phase Shield MTK
- IT-11258: Socket 3/8" 3/8 Drive 12-Point Deep 1000V
- IT-11259: Socket 7/16" 3/8 Drive 12-Point Deep 1000V
- IT-11260: Socket 1/2" 3/8 Drive 12-Point Deep 1000V
- IT-11261: Socket 9/16" 3/8 Drive 12-Point Deep 1000V
- IT-11262: Socket 5/8" 3/8 Drive 12-Point Deep 1000V
- IT-11263: Socket 11/16" 3/8 Drive 12-Point Deep 1000V
- IT-11264: Socket 3/4" 3/8 Drive 12-Point Deep 1000V
- IT-11265: Socket 13/16" 3/8 Drive 12-Point Deep 1000V
- IT-11805F: Extension 3" 3/8 Drive Flare End 1000V
- IT-11810F: Extension 6" 3/8 Drive Flare End 1000V
- IT-1269: Ratchet 7.8" 3/8 Drive 1000V
- IT-20208BB: Wrench Box 3/8" 1000V
- IT-20209BB: Wrench Box 7/16" 1000V
- IT-20210BB: Wrench Box 1/2" 1000V
- IT-20211BB: Wrench Box 9/16" 1000V
- IT-20212BB: Wrench Box 5/8" 1000V
- IT-20213BB: Wrench Box 11/16" 1000V
- IT-20214BB: Wrench Box 3/4" 1000V
- IT-20215BB: Wrench Box 13/16" 1000V
- IT-25250RA-3/8: Torque Wrench 25/250 in/lbs 3/8 Drive 1000V
- IT-30836: Phillips Screwdriver #1 x 3" 1000V
- IT-5008: Diagonal Cutting Plier 7" 1000V
- IT-5018: Needle Nose Plier 7" 1000V
- IT-5030: Lineman's Plier 9" 1000V
- IT-66-156: Phillips Screwdriver #2 x 4" 1000V
- IT-66-203: Slotted Screwdriver 3/16 x 4" 1000V
- IT-66-205: Slotted Screwdriver 3/16 x 6" 1000V
- IT-66-253: Slotted Screwdriver 1/8 x 3" 1000V
- IT-MKFOAM: Custom Cut Foam
Additional Information:
- Manufactured for use in compliance with:
- Meets IEC 900 Standard for Insulated Hand Tools
- Exceeds ASTM 1505-01 Standards for Insulated Hand Tools
- Helps meet OSHA Requirements 29 CFR Part 1910.331-335 Subpart S; 29 CFR Part 1910.269 Subpart K
- Meets NFPA 70E Requirement
- Tested to 10,000VAC and rated for 1,000VAC Maximum Exposure
- Impact Resistant and Flame Retardant
Kit Components:
- 1/8" x 3" Slotted Screwdriver
- 3/16" x 4" Slotted Screwdriver
- 1/4" x 7" Slotted Screwdriver
- #1 x 3" Phillips Screwdriver
- #2 x 4" Phillips Screwdriver
- 3/8" Dr Torque Wrench 30-150 in/lb
- 3/8" Dr Ratchet
- 3/8" Dr Ratchet Extensions: 3" & 6"
- 8 Pc 3/8" to 13/16" Deep Socket Set
- 8 Pc 3/8" to 13/16" Box End Wrench Set
- 7-1/2" Diagonal Cutting Plier
- 7" Needle Nose Plier
- 9" Lineman’s Plier
- Mini Flashlight
- Custom Foam Cut Case
Each OEL manufactured hand tool is rated for exposure up to 1000VAC and dielectrically tested at 10,000VAC.
These tools meet or exceed ASTM F1505-01 and IEC 900 Standards for Insulated Hand Tools. These tools are necessary for compliance with OSHA 1910.333 (c)(2), and NFPA 70E 2004. The insulating material used to coat the tools is impact resistant and flame retardant. Two-color insulation makes inspection easier, which adds to the overall safety of the tool.