The Relief Pak hydrocollator is a high quality insulated 6 pack-hot pack machine. Experienced therapists who know the dangers of getting too close to their hydrocollator will enjoy not burning their hands on an exterior that is too hot to brush against.
Features an easy to use temperature gauge. Bursting hot packs and bacteria growth is the top destroyer of hot packs. The temperature gauge takes the guesswork out over how hot your tank will get or should get. Therapists can rest assured this unit will stand the test of time and ensure you get the most longevity out of your hot packs.
For best results, and product longevity, therapists should heat their hot packs to 160°.
The 6-pack Hydrocollator Includes sizes of:
3 Standard
1 Cervical
2 Oversized
19.02" x 21.65" x 17.32"
1 year